Kountze ISD is seeking a Substitute NURSE. Candidate MUST be an LVN with a current CPR card (BLS).
It is a mandatory State requirement that all Employees/Substitutes on a school campus have their fingerprints on file with the Texas DPS through a Texas School District. Teh fingerprint cost is approximately $49.00 and is your responsibility to pay to the facility at time of service. If you have previously been fingerprinted through a TEXAS SCHOOL DISTRICT it will not be neccesary to repeat this process.
The daily rate is:
$80.00/day for non-degreed
$90.00/day for Bachelor's Degree - official transcripts of Bachelor's degree is required for additional pay. Diplomas of Bachelors Degree are not accepted.
Required documents for payroll:
Proof of Education
Valid TX Drivers license
Social Security Card (name on Drivers license and Social MUST match)
Voided Check/deposit slip or Direct Deposit Letter from Bank/Credit Union - Kountze ISD is direct deposit ONLY.
This is a SUBSTITUTE position, on an AS NEEDED basis and does not constitute an offer of full-time employment.